
What does "your account is not yet activated" mean?

After registering your account, we will have sent you an email containing a link that you must click in order to verify your identity.

You must click this link to be able to login. If you haven't received this email, please check your spam/junk folder. If it is not there, please contact us.

I haven't received an activation email.

Some email suppliers may send our email to your spam/junk folder. Please check for the email in there, and add our email address to your contacts to avoid further email being sent there.

What does "not enough information to register" mean?

In order to register, we must have the registrant's date of birth AND either their email address or postcode on record.

If you see this message, it means we do not have all of the above. Please contact us to allow us to update our records.

I don't know some of my details, or it is saying that my details are incorrect

Please contact us to allow us to update our records.

What does "ID not recognised" mean?

The ID you have provided us is not in a correct format. Please contact us to find out the correct identifier to enter here.

What does "no available courses" mean?

The person you have tried to register is either not on a course, or their course is not available yet on Swim School.

What does "no date of birth available" mean?

The course you have tried to sign up to Swim School for has a minimum registration age, but we have no date of birth on record to check against. Please contact us to allow us to update our records.

What does "too young to register" mean?

The course you have tried to sign up to Swim School for has a minimum registration age. If the date of birth on record is erroneous, please contact us to allow us to update our records.

What does "invalid data on record" mean?

The data we have on record for you is not in a correct format, please contact us to allow us to update our records.